Joined up thinking for St Patrick's S.N.S, Corduff.
With the end of term today, it seemed like a good idea to bring all three sixth classes together for the first time.
Out the doors we went...
As it was a "Half Day" (yipee!) this was just to be a tester session. See how it/we all gelled together. Not so concerned with the sound, more looking at the group context situation, I'm delighted to say, they did brilliantly.
It's not easy staying focused when you're group has tripled in size. New faces, new characters, new craic to be had, but there wasn't one bit of "messing" between the lot of them.
More pics and clips of the rehearsal can be found on the schools website or simply click the pic below.
A credit to their teachers and to themselves.
Enjoy the break folks!9
Out the doors we went...
As it was a "Half Day" (yipee!) this was just to be a tester session. See how it/we all gelled together. Not so concerned with the sound, more looking at the group context situation, I'm delighted to say, they did brilliantly.
It's not easy staying focused when you're group has tripled in size. New faces, new characters, new craic to be had, but there wasn't one bit of "messing" between the lot of them.
More pics and clips of the rehearsal can be found on the schools website or simply click the pic below.
A credit to their teachers and to themselves.
Enjoy the break folks!9
Backing a well being winner.
Just outside of Drogheda, sitting on top of a hill, beside a race course in County Meath is Bellewstown's Scoil Naomh Treasa.
Four class groups in total and what a lovely bunch they are too.
Enjoy your Well Being week!
Four class groups in total and what a lovely bunch they are too.
Enjoy your Well Being week!
Between the Jigs and the Reels.
Kada Ka Boom Arts and Ablevision certainly have been having the craic over these last 8 months. This is our third series of sessions all run in conjunction The Droichead Arts Centre.
With the month that in it, sure there could only be one theme...
With the month that in it, sure there could only be one theme...
I can smell Carnival!
With workshops happening between schools and community groups all over the country it became a little difficult to keep focus on Kada Ka Boom Arts Carnival research trip to Portugal…but focus I did.
And how glad I was. Stephen of Absurdist Pipe Band fame (amongst so many other things) had set out a route from Porto to Podence that would include workshops, performances and exchanges of musicality’s to delight the hardiest of traveler.
The pictures below are just a snippet of the adventure. I can fully approve of the UNESCO stamp of approval for Podence Carnival.
It’s a wonderful tradition that will hopefully continue for ever more.
And how glad I was. Stephen of Absurdist Pipe Band fame (amongst so many other things) had set out a route from Porto to Podence that would include workshops, performances and exchanges of musicality’s to delight the hardiest of traveler.
The pictures below are just a snippet of the adventure. I can fully approve of the UNESCO stamp of approval for Podence Carnival.
It’s a wonderful tradition that will hopefully continue for ever more.
On Our Way To Carnival.
Carnival in
UENSCO Cultural Heritage since 2019.
Drums, Music, Arts and Energy.
Its all here for you.
(poetry never being my strong point)
So made it all the way to the end of the year...again!
Well done to us all!
And with nearly 23 years under the belt... sure, we have the hang of it now, I reckon we'll just keep on going.
2022, lets be having ya!
Well done to us all!
And with nearly 23 years under the belt... sure, we have the hang of it now, I reckon we'll just keep on going.
2022, lets be having ya!
Rocking the festive Spirit
Drogheda Leader, Christmas week. 2021
Ho Ho Ho...
The other day, whilst out on some seasonal duties, a teacher was slipped this picture and asked if they could get it to Santa.
With the connections has with the North Pole, it was passed on to me to get the job done.
Now, as anyone in the know will tell you, Santa is a pretty busy man this time of year. There's the sorting of presents, the Elf and Safety checks, the sleighs annual CVRT check plus all the reports he has to go through from the Robins and Elves on the shelfs and the calls, texts and WhatsApp messages he often gets from principals and teachers on how well the children are doing this year....
Sure, the guy in nearly wore out before he starts.
But nevertheless, he is always very appreciative of the extra special efforts folk go to, to make him feel welcomed and indeed, loved.
Anyway, after a lot of effort and antigen tests and PCR tests and then the waiting around for results, I finally managed to get to him on Saturday.
Sure, he was only delighted to receive this wonderful picture of himself. He thought he was looking very well in it. It cheered him no end.
The smile and the hat and the belt fitting snuggly and the sack all ready to go. He was thrilled with it. So much so that he said he would be sticking a very special surprise in the sleigh just for Casey, the girl from Presentation school Ballymakeny, Drogheda, who'd gone to so much effort for him.
He thanked me for delivering it and was off in a flash (he can do that you know) to complete the preparations for next Friday.
Best of luck Santa and Happy Christmas from Kada Ka Boom Arts!
With the connections has with the North Pole, it was passed on to me to get the job done.
Now, as anyone in the know will tell you, Santa is a pretty busy man this time of year. There's the sorting of presents, the Elf and Safety checks, the sleighs annual CVRT check plus all the reports he has to go through from the Robins and Elves on the shelfs and the calls, texts and WhatsApp messages he often gets from principals and teachers on how well the children are doing this year....
Sure, the guy in nearly wore out before he starts.
But nevertheless, he is always very appreciative of the extra special efforts folk go to, to make him feel welcomed and indeed, loved.
Anyway, after a lot of effort and antigen tests and PCR tests and then the waiting around for results, I finally managed to get to him on Saturday.
Sure, he was only delighted to receive this wonderful picture of himself. He thought he was looking very well in it. It cheered him no end.
The smile and the hat and the belt fitting snuggly and the sack all ready to go. He was thrilled with it. So much so that he said he would be sticking a very special surprise in the sleigh just for Casey, the girl from Presentation school Ballymakeny, Drogheda, who'd gone to so much effort for him.
He thanked me for delivering it and was off in a flash (he can do that you know) to complete the preparations for next Friday.
Best of luck Santa and Happy Christmas from Kada Ka Boom Arts!
Once Upon A Time
The Absurdist Pipe Band performed at Belfast cities Once Upon a Time Christmas lights event to the great delight of on lookers everywhere. Even the Lord Mayor Kate wanted to get in on the act.
Wonderful feedback from the cities council too.
"Just wanted to say a huge thank you for taking part in our Once Upon a Time in Belfast Christmas event. Once again, Kada Ka Boom Arts never let us down and always a real crowd pleaser."
Rachel McKeown
City Events
Belfast City Council
Wonderful feedback from the cities council too.
"Just wanted to say a huge thank you for taking part in our Once Upon a Time in Belfast Christmas event. Once again, Kada Ka Boom Arts never let us down and always a real crowd pleaser."
Rachel McKeown
City Events
Belfast City Council
Well Hello November!
Well hello November!
That didn’t quite go according to plan. Ten days knocked on the head (two weeks really) thanks to coming down with Covid 19.
We all have to follow the rules on these things and I have a responsibility to all of the folk I love working with, so it was self-Isolation for me.
Incidentally, the guidelines state its ten days isolation and you are requested not to go back into the public until you are four days clear of any temperature. I’m six days clear and will be hitting nine days clear of any temperature before I get to get “Back in the Groove” (see what I did there? See video below or simply click here)
So, I’ve read books, watched tv, cleaned up my website and archived lots. Actually, I gave the Archive page its own button (or picture) to click for those folk that fancy seeing me or me with drums or students with drums or me with The Absurdist Pipe Band or me with The Funky Pirates or just more of me…. you get the idea. Everything from the last year and more posted in one place.
Monday morning and its AbleVision Drogheda, banging to the beat of their own drum. Can’t wait.8
That didn’t quite go according to plan. Ten days knocked on the head (two weeks really) thanks to coming down with Covid 19.
We all have to follow the rules on these things and I have a responsibility to all of the folk I love working with, so it was self-Isolation for me.
Incidentally, the guidelines state its ten days isolation and you are requested not to go back into the public until you are four days clear of any temperature. I’m six days clear and will be hitting nine days clear of any temperature before I get to get “Back in the Groove” (see what I did there? See video below or simply click here)
So, I’ve read books, watched tv, cleaned up my website and archived lots. Actually, I gave the Archive page its own button (or picture) to click for those folk that fancy seeing me or me with drums or students with drums or me with The Absurdist Pipe Band or me with The Funky Pirates or just more of me…. you get the idea. Everything from the last year and more posted in one place.
Monday morning and its AbleVision Drogheda, banging to the beat of their own drum. Can’t wait.8
Spooks Parade 2021
As part of the Leanbh Children's Festival celebrated by the Droichead Arts Centre, Kada Ka Boom Arts was invited to once again produced The Spooks Parade.
Staying within current guidelines, we managed to create a 25 strong team of musicians and dancers to groove their way across West Street Drogheda.
These clips are courtesy of an audience member who kindly forwarded on their video.
Staying within current guidelines, we managed to create a 25 strong team of musicians and dancers to groove their way across West Street Drogheda.
These clips are courtesy of an audience member who kindly forwarded on their video.
Somewhere Over
(in the Sauna)
The Absurdist Pipe Band
Last Clown on the Shelf
The Absurdist Pipe Band
The Absurdist Pipe Band take stock of a year with Covid 19 and a global pandemic. As usual, their uniquely absurd ways ensure that they stay true to their motto… "No rest for the ridiculous".
Drogheda to Waterford
Waterford to Drogheda plus more..
A colourful treat of a week with Abacus special school here in Drogheda, Waterford's St Angela’s Ursuline Secondary School, The Absurdist Pipe Band and final filming and launch of the Leanbh "Back in the Groove" video...
Certainly no shortage of variety in the world of Kada Ka Boom Arts!
Certainly no shortage of variety in the world of Kada Ka Boom Arts!
On the road again...again.
This time,, Newross.
Newross, one of those townland towns, where folk from all over the surrounding area come to work, carry out commerce and of course, educate their folk.
A place the drums of Kada KaBoom Arts regularly visit. This occasion sees the transition year students of Good Council boys secondary school give the grooves a go. And they like their sticks round here....admittedly, maybe its more hurley sticks, but it's a appreciated.
A place the drums of Kada KaBoom Arts regularly visit. This occasion sees the transition year students of Good Council boys secondary school give the grooves a go. And they like their sticks round here....admittedly, maybe its more hurley sticks, but it's a appreciated.
On the road again.
First stop,
A week or two of travelling for the drums of Kada KaBoom Arts. Starting with "The Bish" in the heart of Galway City.
A new school to me but part of the cities heritage for well over a hundred years.
The schools transition year students made the most of the rhythms and grooves being produced by themselves. Thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to raise the volume on a Monday morning.
A new school to me but part of the cities heritage for well over a hundred years.
The schools transition year students made the most of the rhythms and grooves being produced by themselves. Thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to raise the volume on a Monday morning.
The first day and the last day.
The 1st of October sees the drums of Kada Ka Boom Arts spend their last day here, in St. Gerard's secondary school, Bray.
Four days of mindfulness participated by every student in the school. A school full of sporting facilities but also an excellent kiln in their arts department which, inevitably brings out hugh amounts of creativity.
Children are children and teenagers are teenagers no matter where in the country I get to drum. They all love it.
Transaction Years for the last day! Always an interesting dynamic.
Wish me luck!
Four days of mindfulness participated by every student in the school. A school full of sporting facilities but also an excellent kiln in their arts department which, inevitably brings out hugh amounts of creativity.
Children are children and teenagers are teenagers no matter where in the country I get to drum. They all love it.
Transaction Years for the last day! Always an interesting dynamic.
Wish me luck!
September notes a beginning of what seems to be the "work" year for Kada KaBoom Arts. Being so linked with the school year, it's easy to understand why. Add the fact that shows and performances weren't a feature of the summer, it all makes sense...
Except, shows did actually make an appearance, admittedly, not until September. And then there was a deluge of them. 15 in total and all in Northern Ireland! Funky Pirates and The Absurdist Pipe Band.
October has a full on schedule too with workshops and some special performances.
I'm joining forces with the Droichead Arts Centres Leanbh Children's Festival to produce two projects and along with the numerous workshops, there might be a street pageant in my very own town, Drogheda.
Sure you know I'll be only dying to tell you all as soon as I'm allowed!
So, chat soon and cheers September.
Except, shows did actually make an appearance, admittedly, not until September. And then there was a deluge of them. 15 in total and all in Northern Ireland! Funky Pirates and The Absurdist Pipe Band.
October has a full on schedule too with workshops and some special performances.
I'm joining forces with the Droichead Arts Centres Leanbh Children's Festival to produce two projects and along with the numerous workshops, there might be a street pageant in my very own town, Drogheda.
Sure you know I'll be only dying to tell you all as soon as I'm allowed!
So, chat soon and cheers September.
Balmoral show 2021
Somewhere over ...
The sauna..
The Absurdist Pipe Band.
Life’s too short not to laugh!
It is getting a little tricky to keep up with all that’s going on with Kada Ka Boom Arts just now. But today was a little extra special.
Hilltop Day care centre, Dundalk, county Louth had the opportunity to participate in a drumming workshop that turned into a bit of a session. The day care residents engaged and participated all the way through but it may have been the staff that ended up getting to grips with all that was going on. With the groove being let by themselves, I could see no reason not to get the Banjo-ele out....And off we went!
How wonderful it all was, to see day care residents and staff all enjoying themselves.
Hilltop Day care centre, Dundalk, county Louth had the opportunity to participate in a drumming workshop that turned into a bit of a session. The day care residents engaged and participated all the way through but it may have been the staff that ended up getting to grips with all that was going on. With the groove being let by themselves, I could see no reason not to get the Banjo-ele out....And off we went!
How wonderful it all was, to see day care residents and staff all enjoying themselves.
Special thanks to An Táin arts centre Dundalk for sponsoring the Arts in the Community inactive.
The Funky Pirates
Belfasts Maritime Weekender 2021
"The Funky Pirates were a real crowd pleaser.. Always a pleasure to work with.."
Rachel McKeown
City Events
Belfast City Council Maritime Weekender 2021.
It's all aboard with the Funky Pirates and a Kada Ka Boom Arts street show for the first time in ages.
And it's all thanks to Belfast's Maritime Weekender 2021.
Strolls and songs with a dollop of daftness was the order of the day.
Smiles and applause was the reward.
Whilst many a verse of a drunken sailor could be heard around the docklands of the Lagan, we managed not to walk any planks or get our bellies shaved with any rusty razors.
All in a days work for Pirate Duff, Pirate Welsh and Captain Gallagher.
And it's all thanks to Belfast's Maritime Weekender 2021.
Strolls and songs with a dollop of daftness was the order of the day.
Smiles and applause was the reward.
Whilst many a verse of a drunken sailor could be heard around the docklands of the Lagan, we managed not to walk any planks or get our bellies shaved with any rusty razors.
All in a days work for Pirate Duff, Pirate Welsh and Captain Gallagher.
And it is off to school we go...
The Sacred Heart girls secondary school Drogheda, kicked off their transition year with four week course of Samba drumming.
Always lovely to start off local, and sure, doesn't this house only know the school well...
Always lovely to start off local, and sure, doesn't this house only know the school well...
A festival season like no other...
(Actually, a lot like last summer...)
Who'd of thought eh? Two summers of... Well, not a lot. Until large gatherings are deemed OK, that's the way it has to be.
But we are getting there, bit by bit. Needle by needle. Whilst it's all so sorely missed, parades, pageants, walkabout shows, The Mad Hatters, The Absurdist Pipe Band, The Funky Pirates, The Skeleton Crew and so much more you can rest assured that we are also mad to get back out there.
Which we will. In fact, September might have a surprise or two within its Autumnal covered weeks.
Fingers crossed.
But we are getting there, bit by bit. Needle by needle. Whilst it's all so sorely missed, parades, pageants, walkabout shows, The Mad Hatters, The Absurdist Pipe Band, The Funky Pirates, The Skeleton Crew and so much more you can rest assured that we are also mad to get back out there.
Which we will. In fact, September might have a surprise or two within its Autumnal covered weeks.
Fingers crossed.'s warm, but could you fry an egg like yer man here...
So....What's next...?
So long June. It’s been brilliant knowing you.
I love June and that vibe that travels through primary schools. It's a case of, there is work to be done...but, we've done a heck of a lot so let's appreciate that.
I've had a month of long-term projects settling up, six-week courses finishing and a host of standalone workshops.
Kada Ka Boom Arts travels have included
St Buites NS Tenure.
St. Patrick's Senior, Corduff.
St John's NS, Drogheda.
St. Mary's Parish Primary NS, Drogheda.
St. Paul's NS, Walsh'stown.
Scoil Naomh Feichin NS, Termonfeckin.
Virgin Mary's Girls NS, Ballymun.
I sincerely appreciate the positivity and trust all the school and staff have given me.
Now….Go have a well-deserved break, you did good.
I've had a month of long-term projects settling up, six-week courses finishing and a host of standalone workshops.
Kada Ka Boom Arts travels have included
St Buites NS Tenure.
St. Patrick's Senior, Corduff.
St John's NS, Drogheda.
St. Mary's Parish Primary NS, Drogheda.
St. Paul's NS, Walsh'stown.
Scoil Naomh Feichin NS, Termonfeckin.
Virgin Mary's Girls NS, Ballymun.
I sincerely appreciate the positivity and trust all the school and staff have given me.
Now….Go have a well-deserved break, you did good.
Louth looking lovely.
Two weeks or so left before the schools shut up shop for the Summer.
For KadaKaBoomArts.Com's drums it almost all made up of local schools. Well, County Louth schools and that's local enough.
Today, we've taken to the outdoors of St Paul's National school staff carpark in Walshestown.
And its all out door too for the week by the looks of it. Tenure tomorrow and Termonfeckin for the remainder of the week.
All schools having a history of visits from KadaKaBoomArts.Com's drums over the last 23 years.
Still though, outdoors does mean sticking on the factor but just incase I miss a bit, the old blue parasol makes it's return.
For KadaKaBoomArts.Com's drums it almost all made up of local schools. Well, County Louth schools and that's local enough.
Today, we've taken to the outdoors of St Paul's National school staff carpark in Walshestown.
And its all out door too for the week by the looks of it. Tenure tomorrow and Termonfeckin for the remainder of the week.
All schools having a history of visits from KadaKaBoomArts.Com's drums over the last 23 years.
Still though, outdoors does mean sticking on the factor but just incase I miss a bit, the old blue parasol makes it's return.
"Samba fun for infants".... Sounds about right.
It is a June thing im thinking..
Guess who got to drum with St. John's National school's "Class Of The Week"!!!
And on the day the ice cream van came to visit and all.
Guess who got to drum with St. John's National school's "Class Of The Week"!!!
And on the day the ice cream van came to visit and all.
Out ya go with ya..
Versility is currently Kada Ka Boom Arts middle name. After two sessions with some of St John's finest senior infants in Drogheda, a wee issue arose which required the remaining sessions to find a brand new space.
Thanks the the team work of a bunch of teachers, sna's and Kieth the caretaker, drums, benches and everything are all set up on the grass outside. And on we went.
Cheers all the hands. The children loved it.
Thanks the the team work of a bunch of teachers, sna's and Kieth the caretaker, drums, benches and everything are all set up on the grass outside. And on we went.
Cheers all the hands. The children loved it.
Well....its warm anyway.
You’d not want to be relying on the weather in Ireland to decided if you were to do something or not. It has easily got as much variety as a day in the life of Kada Ka Boom Arts.
One day it’s drums! The next day its Ukuleles!
A bit more tuning to be done on the ukulele in fairness but … all in a days (early mornings) work.
Onward into June we go.
One day it’s drums! The next day its Ukuleles!
A bit more tuning to be done on the ukulele in fairness but … all in a days (early mornings) work.
Onward into June we go.
Ya gotta love May
As school terms and many projects (not all) start the journey of coming to a close, (which the end of May always brings), it's often punctuated with little unforseen surprises. Just like this..
How absolutely fabulous are the children of St Buites Junior Infants, right here in the wee county of Louth.
Just as I am about to wrap up their mini Samba Drumming and Percussion course, up pops this talented student to present me with a "Thank you" card. It was the artist herself. We chatted about her imagery on the front and then I opened the card.
The picture below is what I found inside. It shows three drums inside a heart. It was her way of saying she loved it.
I just... Well... said thank you.
How absolutely fabulous are the children of St Buites Junior Infants, right here in the wee county of Louth.
Just as I am about to wrap up their mini Samba Drumming and Percussion course, up pops this talented student to present me with a "Thank you" card. It was the artist herself. We chatted about her imagery on the front and then I opened the card.
The picture below is what I found inside. It shows three drums inside a heart. It was her way of saying she loved it.
I just... Well... said thank you.
Behind the scenes of banging drums...
Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance.
It never ends. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing....
But the fun is in the wearing out of the stuff...
Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance.
It never ends. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing....
But the fun is in the wearing out of the stuff...
The hills are alive with the sound of …DRUMMING!
Kada Ka Boom Arts drums didn’t have to travel too far today. Just north of Drogheda, up in “them there hills”, you’ll come to a crossroads and, if you are lucky, there’s a good chance you are in the village of Tenure.
There you’ll find find the wonderful Scoil Naomh Buithe. Their new school building (2016) is settling in well. Today I found Ladybirds and Caterpillars chilling out on their front wall as well as Butterflies adorning the playground fencing. You always know when a school is loved because that’s when the wildlife makes it their home!
This is one of the many projects that was planned before Covid and needed to go on hold until circumstances allowed it to happen. Which, thanks to the efforts of staff in schools everywhere and the new Kada Ka Boom Arts routine of sanitising and re-sanitising of instruments, it was action stations for a whole bunch of 5-8 year olds. Tomorrow see the remaining pupils take to the drums at they start their long awaited six-week course in Samba Drumming and Percussion.
There you’ll find find the wonderful Scoil Naomh Buithe. Their new school building (2016) is settling in well. Today I found Ladybirds and Caterpillars chilling out on their front wall as well as Butterflies adorning the playground fencing. You always know when a school is loved because that’s when the wildlife makes it their home!
This is one of the many projects that was planned before Covid and needed to go on hold until circumstances allowed it to happen. Which, thanks to the efforts of staff in schools everywhere and the new Kada Ka Boom Arts routine of sanitising and re-sanitising of instruments, it was action stations for a whole bunch of 5-8 year olds. Tomorrow see the remaining pupils take to the drums at they start their long awaited six-week course in Samba Drumming and Percussion.
Heads up for next month...
Just click to book!
Cruinniú na nÓg
The Creative Garden
“It’s all about time.”
With Grainne Rafferty and Kieran Gallagher.
Droichead Arts Centre presents The Creative Garden Orchestra for Cruinniú na nÓg Louth 2021, a day of celebrating creativity for children and teenagers.
The creative Garden Orchestra is an engaging presentation where children aged 8 – 10 are invited to create the soundscape for a live story telling session. All the sounds, atmospheric as well as rhythmical, are found in the world that surrounds them. Whether you have a garden or not, nature can be found throughout the home. From rustling branches and leaves to rippling water, from stomping wellies to zipping coats. From wooden tables to wooden spoons, it surrounds everyone.
With expert guidance from start to finish courtesy of renowned storyteller Grainne Rafferty and musician Kieran Gallagher the participants will compose and record their own mini masterpiece to treasure forever. Each session is 20 minutes in duration.
Cruinniú na nÓg is a flagship initiative of the Creative Ireland Programme’s Creative Youth plan to enable the creative potential of children and young people. The inaugural Cruinniú na nÓg took place on 23rd June 2018 with over 500 events taking place in cities, towns and villages across the country and is now in its 4th year.
Funded by Creative Ireland, with support from Droichead Arts Centre
With Grainne Rafferty and Kieran Gallagher.
Droichead Arts Centre presents The Creative Garden Orchestra for Cruinniú na nÓg Louth 2021, a day of celebrating creativity for children and teenagers.
The creative Garden Orchestra is an engaging presentation where children aged 8 – 10 are invited to create the soundscape for a live story telling session. All the sounds, atmospheric as well as rhythmical, are found in the world that surrounds them. Whether you have a garden or not, nature can be found throughout the home. From rustling branches and leaves to rippling water, from stomping wellies to zipping coats. From wooden tables to wooden spoons, it surrounds everyone.
With expert guidance from start to finish courtesy of renowned storyteller Grainne Rafferty and musician Kieran Gallagher the participants will compose and record their own mini masterpiece to treasure forever. Each session is 20 minutes in duration.
Cruinniú na nÓg is a flagship initiative of the Creative Ireland Programme’s Creative Youth plan to enable the creative potential of children and young people. The inaugural Cruinniú na nÓg took place on 23rd June 2018 with over 500 events taking place in cities, towns and villages across the country and is now in its 4th year.
Funded by Creative Ireland, with support from Droichead Arts Centre
And out the door we go...
And it's out the door we go...
St. Mary's secondary school Newross.
They asked and I was keen to oblige...but, this being Ireland, by midday our backup plan was stuck into action and we we're in their hall.
Still though, there was something about it that gave you a positive feeling... Nearly there.
St. Mary's secondary school Newross.
They asked and I was keen to oblige...but, this being Ireland, by midday our backup plan was stuck into action and we we're in their hall.
Still though, there was something about it that gave you a positive feeling... Nearly there.
23 years and on we roll!
Each May bank holiday sees another year under the belt for
Kada Ka Boom Arts. 23 years of them now!
Amazing and brilliant and... thanks.
Yeah, that's the word, thanks.
Its never been a normal Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 job and that can be a bit nerve-wrecking at times. (plenty of nerves wrecked this last year).
But the folk you get to meet and chat too (and continue to learn from) the projects you get to work on..well, it would just encourage you to keep it up. So that's exactly what I'll aim to do. I hope you're some of the folk I get to meet for this next year. If not, well hopefully there'll be plenty more years to come.
Roll on Summer 2021.
Kada Ka Boom Arts. 23 years of them now!
Amazing and brilliant and... thanks.
Yeah, that's the word, thanks.
Its never been a normal Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 job and that can be a bit nerve-wrecking at times. (plenty of nerves wrecked this last year).
But the folk you get to meet and chat too (and continue to learn from) the projects you get to work on..well, it would just encourage you to keep it up. So that's exactly what I'll aim to do. I hope you're some of the folk I get to meet for this next year. If not, well hopefully there'll be plenty more years to come.
Roll on Summer 2021.
Ready to roll.
Into school we hop again with the start of a special percussion project in St. John's national school... Drogheda!
(I could have nearly walked to work this morning)
Senior infants no less... No settling in gently with this age group. Best get some stretches in now....17 weeks away.. might do a quick lap round, just to be on the safe side.
Into school we hop again with the start of a special percussion project in St. John's national school... Drogheda!
(I could have nearly walked to work this morning)
Senior infants no less... No settling in gently with this age group. Best get some stretches in now....17 weeks away.. might do a quick lap round, just to be on the safe side.
The Absurdist’s Pipe Band at this time of year are normally announcing where folk can catch them for St Patrick's day.
Of course, sadly, that isn’t happening this year (again). With that in mind all of our most recent energies for entertaining have moved on line. It’s the fields and streets of YouTube, Facebook and Instagram where you’ll find them.
Below are just a few links to the latest posts. Starting with my current favourite, A tribute to their friends in Slovenia whose Carnival the group have performed at several times.
"Click the Pic"
Of course, sadly, that isn’t happening this year (again). With that in mind all of our most recent energies for entertaining have moved on line. It’s the fields and streets of YouTube, Facebook and Instagram where you’ll find them.
Below are just a few links to the latest posts. Starting with my current favourite, A tribute to their friends in Slovenia whose Carnival the group have performed at several times.
"Click the Pic"
Three days in to the shortest month of the year and any way I look at the above titles… it still looks like its spelt funny.
So, with the target of early March for the reopening of schools, it seems like a good time to sort future workshops. Both face to face and online.
Do drop us a line if you’d like to find out more.
[email protected]
or call
So, with the target of early March for the reopening of schools, it seems like a good time to sort future workshops. Both face to face and online.
Do drop us a line if you’d like to find out more.
[email protected]
or call
And we wait...
So, as we all wait for the numbers to reduce, (which they slowly are!), it’s a case of research and admin time. Not a disaster by any means. There have been a few new bookings (fingers crossed bookings!), the accounting books are all up to date and developments are underway for two new projects. Ya could say, Kada Ka Boom Arts is Zooming into the future
Creativity never really stops ya know…it just gets out of bed a little later.
Creativity never really stops ya know…it just gets out of bed a little later.
Opps! Oh Well.
Hi everyone.
The delay to restarting the 2021 term isn’t too much of a surprise.
It is hoped that we can move the schools booked in for this month to later in the year.
(It’ll be good to keep Kada Ka Boom Arts juggling skills up to scratch.)
Remember, there are no problems, only solutions.
Hang in there!
The delay to restarting the 2021 term isn’t too much of a surprise.
It is hoped that we can move the schools booked in for this month to later in the year.
(It’ll be good to keep Kada Ka Boom Arts juggling skills up to scratch.)
Remember, there are no problems, only solutions.
Hang in there!
12 Socially Distance Days
One of the first groups I had the opportunity to work with when Kada Ka Boom Arts 2020 six month holiday?!?!? Ended (phew) were the adult group connected with Drogheda's Abacus Special School
Unfortunately, I was unable to attend their socially distance Christmas party in person. But thanks to the aid of technology, video and WhatsApp, I managed to zoom in for a rendition if the 12 days of Christmas. (action instructions included).
Click either image for the facebook link.
I gather the craic was had and I'll be honest with you, I was a bit chuffed.
A brilliant part of my community.
Happy Christmas.
Unfortunately, I was unable to attend their socially distance Christmas party in person. But thanks to the aid of technology, video and WhatsApp, I managed to zoom in for a rendition if the 12 days of Christmas. (action instructions included).
Click either image for the facebook link.
I gather the craic was had and I'll be honest with you, I was a bit chuffed.
A brilliant part of my community.
Happy Christmas.
Great signal from the North Pole!
For as long as Kada Ka Boom Arts has been going, we have always kept a great relationship with the big man in the North Pole. Organising visits for him to schools and community groups as well as hotels, shopping centres and much, much more.
This year, due to Covid 19, a little more thought was required. What were we to do in situations where social distances were going to be tricky to keep?
Step in “The Zoom Visit!”
Thank fully, we were able so set up a clear strong signal with Santa in his North Pole study.
Chats were had, songs were sung and lists were checked twice. He told us that all letters were received so nobody needed to worry if they didn’t get to visit him in person this year. Brilliant!
He also asked us to thank everybody, especially teachers and all school staff, who had gone to so much effort to ensure maximum safety for everyone had been assured over these last few months. He was aware that the new routines, the pods, the bubbles and more have been quite an effort to keep up, but they were doing brilliantly.
And I quote, “Hats off to all the school staff involved. Well done and thank you.”
Maybe he’ll leave you guys a little treat too this year!
This year, due to Covid 19, a little more thought was required. What were we to do in situations where social distances were going to be tricky to keep?
Step in “The Zoom Visit!”
Thank fully, we were able so set up a clear strong signal with Santa in his North Pole study.
Chats were had, songs were sung and lists were checked twice. He told us that all letters were received so nobody needed to worry if they didn’t get to visit him in person this year. Brilliant!
He also asked us to thank everybody, especially teachers and all school staff, who had gone to so much effort to ensure maximum safety for everyone had been assured over these last few months. He was aware that the new routines, the pods, the bubbles and more have been quite an effort to keep up, but they were doing brilliantly.
And I quote, “Hats off to all the school staff involved. Well done and thank you.”
Maybe he’ll leave you guys a little treat too this year!
Not long to go...
On the home run now folks. It's all zoom shows, seasonal presentations of the Ho Ho Ho sort and filmed performances here on in...
Jingle Bells Rap 2020!
Seasonal Body Percussion Workshop
that culminates with the crew becoming
the backing track for
The Jingle Bell Rap!
Sounds Like Fun.
Check out for details.
that culminates with the crew becoming
the backing track for
The Jingle Bell Rap!
Sounds Like Fun.
Check out for details.
Hey, Kada Ka Boom Arts made the blog...
St Brigid’s NS, Killygarry, county Cavan, just outside of Cavan town, have kicked off their run to the end of the year with a series of Samba Drumming and Percussion workshops…FOR THE ENTIRE SCHOOL!
And how delighted am I to see I made a couple of class blogs too!
Having worked there before, it was fantastic to see familiar staff faces as well as a few new ones. There’s a lot more social distancing going on and of course, it’s sanitising and wiping, left, right and centre. Between sticks and drums and classes, it’s almost nonstop…well, not really. There is plenty of time allocated to drumming as well.
And how delighted am I to see I made a couple of class blogs too!
Having worked there before, it was fantastic to see familiar staff faces as well as a few new ones. There’s a lot more social distancing going on and of course, it’s sanitising and wiping, left, right and centre. Between sticks and drums and classes, it’s almost nonstop…well, not really. There is plenty of time allocated to drumming as well.
When the drums aren’t making an appearance, there’s still a lot to be doing here. Just look at their newly painted playground. Active, active, active. I was nearly worn out just making my way across their yard. (love a good game of Snakes and Ladders).
We have a way to go yet with the drumming project, which finishes up Christmas week, but they are already totally engaged with it. The feed back is lovely, the children are loving it, and, yes, I’m loving it too.
We have a way to go yet with the drumming project, which finishes up Christmas week, but they are already totally engaged with it. The feed back is lovely, the children are loving it, and, yes, I’m loving it too.
Ukulele Treat for Little Feet
After….well, so many months, the children of St. Patrick's Junior and Senior national school in Corduff, County Dublin, have kicked back in with their “Music Matters” project. The idea is to provide music lessons to every class in the school. From their pre-school Early Start classes right the way through to their sixth-class crews. Giving the opportunity for every student to allow this creative art to be part of their lives.
Kada Ka Boom Arts involvement focuses on Ukuleles and Drums. (Not at the one time I might add) But there are also keyboards and strings being explored.
It’s a huge project that took a tremendous amount of planning and organising to initially get off the ground in 2019. With the Covid 19 guidelines coming into force in September 2020, the amount of “working out” that needed to be done was ….well, you can imagine the detailing needed to figure out the space required, the allocation of time slots that allowed for sanitising and smaller classes, time tabling that now needed to take into account that the children were all going to be taking different break times…trust me, it was a lot of work.
I take my hat off to Maria, the project coordinator (and still teacher) and to Mary, the principal, who is so motivated in making sure the project happens. It amazing!
The picture above alone shows the insight and thoughtfulness that went into the planning. The little feet markings on the floor helping each child know where their spot was but in the friendliest manner. There is a long road ahead and no doubt, a few more bumps to come along, but with the project being so process orientated rather than product orientated, the children are able to really enjoy the moments they are participating in... And with the current environment we are all working through, I think this is a bit brilliant.
Well done Mary, Maria and all the staff!
Kada Ka Boom Arts involvement focuses on Ukuleles and Drums. (Not at the one time I might add) But there are also keyboards and strings being explored.
It’s a huge project that took a tremendous amount of planning and organising to initially get off the ground in 2019. With the Covid 19 guidelines coming into force in September 2020, the amount of “working out” that needed to be done was ….well, you can imagine the detailing needed to figure out the space required, the allocation of time slots that allowed for sanitising and smaller classes, time tabling that now needed to take into account that the children were all going to be taking different break times…trust me, it was a lot of work.
I take my hat off to Maria, the project coordinator (and still teacher) and to Mary, the principal, who is so motivated in making sure the project happens. It amazing!
The picture above alone shows the insight and thoughtfulness that went into the planning. The little feet markings on the floor helping each child know where their spot was but in the friendliest manner. There is a long road ahead and no doubt, a few more bumps to come along, but with the project being so process orientated rather than product orientated, the children are able to really enjoy the moments they are participating in... And with the current environment we are all working through, I think this is a bit brilliant.
Well done Mary, Maria and all the staff!
It was brilliant! (I write with as much relief as delight)
The kids can see and hear me, I can see them, (thanks to the teachers laptop camera skills, as they turn it to face the class) ... And off we go!
Its a bit hilarious in parts but still delivers a brilliantly creative and musically rhythmical session that, according to teachers, is just loved.
22 years I have been facilitating workshops. That's a lot of learning about how best to engage with folk.
Well... I tell you what, you never stop learning...
The kids can see and hear me, I can see them, (thanks to the teachers laptop camera skills, as they turn it to face the class) ... And off we go!
Its a bit hilarious in parts but still delivers a brilliantly creative and musically rhythmical session that, according to teachers, is just loved.
22 years I have been facilitating workshops. That's a lot of learning about how best to engage with folk.
Well... I tell you what, you never stop learning...
TY's successfully rock the Covid 19 Compliant Workshops
So, the drums of Kada Ka Boom Arts are back! Back on the road too as the all new Covid 19 compliant Socially distant, Sanitised Samba drums make their way for a couple of days to Kilbeggan's Mercy Secondary school's TY crews. (a mouthful right there)
And its brilliant! They love it, I love it and the school loves it!
And its brilliant! They love it, I love it and the school loves it!
Kada Ka ZOOM Arts!
Well, it wasn't exactly how I'd imagined Kada Ka Boom Arts workshops were going to evolve, but I'll tell you what, it was all a bit cool.
Body Percussion Workshops being delivered by Zoom right into the classroom.
Well, it wasn't exactly how I'd imagined Kada Ka Boom Arts workshops were going to evolve, but I'll tell you what, it was all a bit cool.
Body Percussion Workshops being delivered by Zoom right into the classroom.
Kada Ka ZOOM Arts
Music through Samba Drumming and Percussion 2020 Details and Dates
For the 21st year, the CPD Summer Course,
“Music from Scratch through Samba Drumming and Percussion”
Will take place again.
The course is a brilliant opportunity to learn rhythms, grooves, exercises, focusing games and more that will enhance, improve or just get you started on delivering music confidently in your classroom.
Some of last year’s participants comments include,
“One of the best courses I have ever done. Extremely practical, useful and enjoyable”
“Thoroughly enjoyable course, Great fun – Lots of ideas to bring back to the class room.”
And my favorite,
“Without doubt – (Teaching 20 years) the best course in terms of content – objective – individual learning development and enjoyment! Kieran made the week so engaging, he has excellent interpersonal skills and brought out the best in everyone both in musical capacity but also in terms of working together as a team”
“Music from Scratch through Samba Drumming and Percussion”
Will take place again.
The course is a brilliant opportunity to learn rhythms, grooves, exercises, focusing games and more that will enhance, improve or just get you started on delivering music confidently in your classroom.
Some of last year’s participants comments include,
“One of the best courses I have ever done. Extremely practical, useful and enjoyable”
“Thoroughly enjoyable course, Great fun – Lots of ideas to bring back to the class room.”
And my favorite,
“Without doubt – (Teaching 20 years) the best course in terms of content – objective – individual learning development and enjoyment! Kieran made the week so engaging, he has excellent interpersonal skills and brought out the best in everyone both in musical capacity but also in terms of working together as a team”
It constantly gets upgraded, either due to department requirements or due to myself discovering new elements that will enhance the course.
The dates are;
10th – 14th August, Dublin West Education Centre.
[email protected]
Dublin West Education Centre, Old Blessington Road, Tallaght,
Dublin 24, Ireland
17th - 21st August, Athlone Education Centre
[email protected]
090 6420400
Athlone Education Centre, Moydrum Road, Athlone
Co. Westmeath, Ireland.
The dates are;
10th – 14th August, Dublin West Education Centre.
[email protected]
Dublin West Education Centre, Old Blessington Road, Tallaght,
Dublin 24, Ireland
17th - 21st August, Athlone Education Centre
[email protected]
090 6420400
Athlone Education Centre, Moydrum Road, Athlone
Co. Westmeath, Ireland.
Summer Course of the past. 2019
Participants of Kada Ka Boom Arts primary schools teachers Summer course taking to the street of Drogheda 2019. You can't beat a performance to really make you learn something. Big thanks to Paul Connor (Photography) for snapping and editing this wee clip.
The Absurdist Pipe Band
So, The Absurdist Pipe Band are awaiting word from several future festivals as to where and when we can expect to get back on the road.
But with such a top class quality act like this....surely it won't be long.
But with such a top class quality act like this....surely it won't be long.
St Patrick's National school, Castletara, County Cavan are in the same boat as all of our schools at the moment. Trying to figure out ways to encourage the up keep with the distance learning, whilst letting the children.
So, every Friday, they have been lining up mystery guest to add a bit more positivity to their week.
Mmm.... Who's turn this week?
So, every Friday, they have been lining up mystery guest to add a bit more positivity to their week.
Mmm.... Who's turn this week?
OK, I'll admit, it wasn't quite the plan...
St. Patricks junior ns, Corduff (the one near Blanchardstown) or more precisely, their Early Start classes, engaged with their Drumming sessions a little more than I was prepared for.
I arrived on Friday (grooving with these guys since October) to the sound of empty plastic sweet tubs and homemade dowel drumsticks (nice one Herbie the caretaker) banging out the beats like nobody's business. But.... BUT, as delighted as I was to see the children, teachers, staff and all loving the Drumming sessions, I hadn't anticipated that decorating the drums would involve my printed and reprinted face on every single drum....
Now they can literally bash the head off me!
Love it!
I arrived on Friday (grooving with these guys since October) to the sound of empty plastic sweet tubs and homemade dowel drumsticks (nice one Herbie the caretaker) banging out the beats like nobody's business. But.... BUT, as delighted as I was to see the children, teachers, staff and all loving the Drumming sessions, I hadn't anticipated that decorating the drums would involve my printed and reprinted face on every single drum....
Now they can literally bash the head off me!
Love it!
Carnival Slovina 2020
The Big Sing!
Last year, the drums of Kada Ka Boom Arts became wonderfully entangled with St. Patrick’s Junior and Senior schools, Corduff Blanchardstown. Music School of Excellence
The project, which is called "Music Making Matters", was launched in May 2019 with the event "Big Sing". It was a huge success. Over 800 primary and secondary school pupils, parents and local musicians took part in the event.
The school is now in the process of running one music lesson a week for every single student. That’s from the Early Start students who age 3-4yrs right through to the sixth-class students. Ukulele and Drumming (Kada Ka Boom Arts are departments), along with keyboard and violin lessons all now take place.
The link below brings you to a clip of the launch event, “The Big Sing”.
The project, which is called "Music Making Matters", was launched in May 2019 with the event "Big Sing". It was a huge success. Over 800 primary and secondary school pupils, parents and local musicians took part in the event.
The school is now in the process of running one music lesson a week for every single student. That’s from the Early Start students who age 3-4yrs right through to the sixth-class students. Ukulele and Drumming (Kada Ka Boom Arts are departments), along with keyboard and violin lessons all now take place.
The link below brings you to a clip of the launch event, “The Big Sing”.
The Absurdist Pipe Band Take A Walk!

Back there, last year, in the fabulous town of Drogheda, The Absurdist Pipe Band decided to take a walk. This is a Facebook clip that's received over 130,000 views so (thanks mammy).
You might enjoy it...
Just click any of the three pics!
You might enjoy it...
Just click any of the three pics!